I Will Miss Me Most of All

As I sat outside for lunch, the sky darkened, and I looked up to see a large outline of my friend who worked in the middle school Design Department.  

“We need you,” he said.  

I thought back to my own middle school experience full of big teeth with braces and lots of feelings and awkwardness.  

But for some reason, I said yes. I said yes to becoming a substitute and I had the best year of my life. 

And I kept going back…I was hooked. I could not imagine how lucky I was to be part of such a wonderful group of interesting people. They were real superheroes. They were all so talented and invested in their students. There was a carnival of things to do and learn every day. I continued to be more and more invested, too, and I never once didn’t want to be there. It wasn’t merely a job. It was an adventure. 

 And then, one day, I was given my own superhero suit. 

 My team was extraordinary in their talents. There was the tech genius, who was also as patient as the day is long. And the performer, who I believe had children join his class whom he did not teach. Just to watch him. And the one who could foresee the future. He could foresee when an idea would not work. Immediately. We learned to take his word for it. And the experts who helped us in the workshop and in our classes. What a phenomenal team. I became an expert at asking questions. I can honestly say that I have never been part of something so crazy and special and intense in my life. 

And then, things got weird. 

 We were asked to accomplish things that I have never done before…didn’t think I could do…didn’t think I should have to. It was fear talking…but this school did it. We did it. And we were quite good at it. Still are. Teaching online is not for the faint of heart – especially in middle school. But there is nothing that cannot be accomplished with so many creative and open-minded people. I am astounded. All the time.  

My close colleagues know that I cannot speak in public, but I can speak the truth in private. These have been the absolute best 8 years of my life. I have done things I cannot imagine being able to do. Teaching hundreds of kids and being on-stage all day long. Creating things for the students to learn and entertaining them with after-school activities and more. The list goes on for miles, but I know you know that.  

I will miss this school for so many reasons. My kids grew up here. And my 12th grade “kids” just graduated. There were trips to wonderful destinations and time spent with so many amazing people from all over the world. I will also miss my team a lot. They are a seriously talented bunch of people.  

But I think I will miss me most of all.  

 When I was with you, I was special. I could start the day with a quick chat and a coffee, teach design, attend meetings, give feedback, and prep for a class in the time it took me to walk to the bathroom and back. I wasn’t just part of a team. I was part of THE team. I was a middle school superhero.  

 It is SO great to be part of the perfect place at the perfect time. So many of you are people that I will never forget. But my Team is special to me. They truly are magic. Thank you for believing in me and allowing me to become what you knew I could be.  Thank you for your time. And your energy. And your support. And your love.